5.14 Prominence
In determining prominence, whenever information must be disclosed prominently as required by these rules, consideration must, as appropriate, be given to – The target audience of the advertisement. The likely information needs of the average targeted policyholder. Prominence in the context of the advertisement as a whole. Positioning of the text and audibility and speed […]
5.13 Loyalty Benefits or Bonuses
An advertisement that reference a loyalty benefit or a no-claim bonus or rebate in premium, must not create the impression that such benefit or bonus is free and must adequately – Indicate if the loyalty benefit, no-claim bonus or rebate in premium is optional or not. Express the cost of the benefit, bonus or rebate […]
5.12 Endorsements
Testimonials and third-party endorsements used in an advertisement – Must be the genuine opinion and actual experience of the person making the testimonial or endorsement and be properly attributed to such person. Must be based upon actual statements made for testimonial or endorsement purposes. May use a pseudonym instead of the real name of the […]
5.11 Puffery
Advertisements that include puffery must be consistent with the provisions relating to puffery in the Code of Advertising Practice issued by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa as amended from time to time.
5.10 Comparative Marketing
Where a survey or other product or service comparison informs a comparative advertisement, the survey or other product or service comparison – Must be undertaken by an independent person or, if it is not reasonably practicable that it is undertaken by an independent person, the advertisement must be so qualified. Must be conducted at regular […]
5.9 Unwanted Direct Advertising
Where an insurer or any person acting on its behalf uses a telephone or mobile phone call, voice or text message or other electronic communication for an advertisement, it must allow the policyholder during that call or within a reasonable time after receiving the message, the opportunity to demand that the insurer or other person […]
5.8 Negative Option Marketing
An insurer or any person acting on its behalf may not offer to enter into a policy on the basis that the policy will automatically come into existence unless the policyholder explicitly declines the insurer’s offer to enter into the policy.
5.7 Record Keeping of Advertisements
An insurer must keep adequate records of all advertisements. All records must be kept for a period of at least 5 years after publication.
5.6 Appropriate Language and Medium
An advertisement must use plain language. Plain language is communication that, considering the factually established or reasonably assumed level of knowledge of the person or average persons at whom the communication is target – Is clear and easy to understand. Avoids uncertainty or confusion. Is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances. [dt_gap height=”10″ /] Terms must […]
5.5 Identification of Insurer
An advertisement relating to a policy must clearly and prominently identify the insurer. An advertisement must not use the group or parent company name or the name of any other associate of an insurer to create the impression that any entity other than the insurer is financially liable under a policy. An advertisement must not […]