1.3 Organisational Structure of the Forex Market
Most currency exchanges are made via bank deposits. Banks dealing in the foreign exchange market tend to be concentrated in certain key financial cities – London, New York, Tokyo, and Singapore.The foreign exchange market is highly integrated globally and operates 24 hours a day – when one major market is closed another is open, so […]
1.2 The Market Defined
The Foreign Exchange Market is a global, worldwide, decentralized financial market for trading currencies. Financial centres around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies. The Forex […]
1.1 Introduction
Forex investment means an investment in a financial product in foreign exchange trading based on price fluctuation in the foreign exchange market but excludes transaction in foreign exchange conducted under Exchange Control laws by a bureau de change.Therefore, an understanding of the foreign exchange market and currency valuation is needed.