14 Vermooten Street

Brackenhurst Alberton

[email protected]

Dedicated Support

Mo. to Fr.

08h30 to 16h00

Educational Services

At Virtual CLC, we understand the importance of meeting regulatory standards in the financial industry. That’s why our learning program offerings are specifically designed to help individuals in this industry not only meet but exceed these standards. 

With our high-quality, cost-effective, and user-friendly programs, we’re committed to propelling our learners forward in their careers and helping them achieve their goals.


Password Login or User Registration

Magic Login

Study Support: RE1 & RE5
Study Support: RE1 & RE5R1880,00
Kindly check who you are enrolling for
Enter the name, surname, email and cellphone number of the learner enrolling for the program. Each learner's email address must be unique and not shared among learners.
Self-study Options
Self-study OptionsR980,00
Kindly check who you are enrolling for
Enter the name, surname, email and ID number / Passport number of the learner enrolling for the program. Each learner's email address must be unique and not shared among learners.
CPD Bundles
CPD BundlesR440,00R1100,00
Kindly check who you are enrolling for
Enter the name, surname, email and ID number / Passport number of the learner enrolling for the program. Each learner's email address must be unique and not shared among learners.
COB Certification
COB CertificationR595,00
Kindly check who you are enrolling for
Enter the name, surname, email and ID number / Passport number of the learner enrolling for the program. Each learner's email address must be unique and not shared among learners.